Me & The Sea

A footprint in the sand creates an indentation. A small pocket, carved out of the world. A safe haven, a pocket of refuge just small enough for a restless pigeon to settle into for a few minutes before harassing another beach goer for their chips. Without that footprint in the sand the pigeon would not have been able to seek refuge from the wind. It would not have been able to burrow into the world and be embraced and held by the earth. What an interesting concept that something that is so native to the sky and seemingly all things ephemeral should need to nestle into the earth in order to seek refuge. 

The brisk cold water as it whisks itself around your ankles and kisses your calves both awakes the senses and calms the soul in a way that has probably been written about more than, or at least equal to, the beauty of a sunset or the joy of walking through a forest. It is almost as if I had been suffocating slowly deprived of oxygen and then by being in the water, being escorted by waves, was all of the oxygen that I needed. I was revitalized and emerged rejuvenated and whole once again. While I woke up today expecting that today would be a good day because I was going to the beach. I was unaware of the deep seated yearning that I was experiencing.  

Just me and the sea. 


The waves and the sea can teach us so much about what it is to have a time, a place, and what it is love. There is a place where the sea comes in, it reaches out to the land and over time it softens it. The land eventually submits to the will of the sea and yet somehow does not become the sea. The land and sea do not become one thing, they are two separate things that come together. The sea must accustom itself to not being able to completely overcome everything in its path. There will be obstacles. There will be a time when the tide will be out and the waves will be gentler and when the tide is in the waves will be more forceful and passionate in their argument to reclaim the land. The land does not submit all the way though, it puts up barriers and is able to manipulate the sea to go where it would like it to go. Both aspects, land and sea or earth and water, are necessary. 

Recently I have found that there have been certain aspects of my personality coming out more strongly than at other times. There are times when we let either the water or the earth aspects of our personality overrun causing floods, landslides, and earthquakes in our relationships with others and ourselves. By taking time for myself is an allowance that I haven't felt as if I can make in the past weeks. I have been beholden to so many different things and people that it has been difficult to shake that element of harsh responsibility and requirements. Self-care is self-love. Understanding that despite the fact that I am surrounded by people all of the time I can still take time for myself without being rude is incredibly important. There is a time and a place for the sea and the earth and the joining of the two. Just as there is a time for me to have time for myself, time for others, and time spent together. 

The world has so much to teach us and if we are to become like 
Avraham we can look into nature and see Truth. 


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