So, About Last Night.

So, this might be my...third attempt at starting a blog, but I'm really going to try and stick with it this time.

This is what I have said every time *internal sigh*

So, about last night. It was Simcha Beit HaShoeva, which I have never heard of before in my life. You think that by going through the cycle of Jewish holidays once or twice that you would begin to know the holidays. Then they spring a new one on you. Simcha Bet HaShoeva, since I have now experienced one is really a celebration commemorating the time of the Beit HaMikdash when water was poured over the mizbach or altar. This water pouring created so much joy that it was followed with dancing, singing, and all-night revelry.

It began with a meal together. A constant stream of spicy chips, chicken wings, and Pepsi Maxx. As we sat down it was as if we had become family. There was constant conversation and laughter as we joked, discussed the deeper meaning of Sukkot, dating, and there was an ever present call of don't finish all the chips! I went from hungry, to satiated, to full relatively quickly and I am not just speaking about my stomach. My heart became full as well.  As someone who connects to others better when in smaller groups rather than large crowds, it was amazing to be able to really to talk to people that I am around during the week and yet don't have the opportunity to really get to know them. It was a break down of barriers and not once during the whole night did I feel as though I was not a part of. Which is an amazing thing. Even people who I have been friends with for a while, when it is a group it can be easy to feel as if you are lagging a little bit behind or that you're somehow not in even though you are.

The pull of the beat of the music and  a constant hand reaching out attempting to pull you into the circle. A hand wanting to dance with you or offer you water. While many times the women's section of events can be "lack-luster", I have never had more fun just dancing around a room with a bunch of women. Each person brought so much energy into the room and boosted the simcha so much. I can honestly say that I looked over onto the mens' side and I thought to myself "We are having more fun over here than they are over there." It was such a special time, despite the fact that I had been up at 5:15 AM and was debating going to the event at 17:00 because I thought for sure I would have had no energy. At 22:00 I still had energy, I was dancing and when the party ended I didn't really want to leave. I just wanted to keep that positive feeling going, where I am with people who are loving and accepting of who I am and what my goals and values are in my life even if they differ from their own.

Dancing in general can be an activity that makes someone feel vulnerable to critique from others. Yet I felt nothing of the sort. I felt surrounded by women who appreciated, valued, and cared for me. It is such a rare thing to find. I am constantly surprised by the feeling of being supported by other women rather than feeling as if we are in competition with one another. It is not something that I was used to growing up and as you go through high school, and college it can become rarer and rarer. Yet, I stumbled upon a group of women who genuinely appreciate and care for one another.

So, last night was a flurry of colorful dresses and skirts, of arms reaching out to pull you in, of dancing as if you knew the coolest dance moves, and of union. It is a moment in time that I can look back on and say " I do not wish anything about this moment to be changed... It is perfect". I was sweaty, probably a little bit smelly and having the time of my life.


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